Children have the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments such as recorders, violin, brass woodwind and guitar in school with staff from the Shropshire Music Service and private providers.
Mrs Buzzing and Mrs Devey run a lunchtime club in the Autumn Term and our Choir is invited to sing for the general public during the Christmas period.
Pupils join with Primary and Secondary schools in the Bridgnorth area for music workshops.
All Year 4 pupils have class music lessons throughout the whole academic year, where they are given the opportunity to learn to play the flute or clarinet. The children then perform in a concert as Shrewsbury in June with other primary school pupils and the Shropshire Wind Orchestra.
Reception Class perform The Nativity over at Church
Year 1 and 2 perform a Christmas musical every year.
Year 5 and 6 pupils perform a musical at the end of the Summer Term.
KS2 host a Carol Concert with Readings for parents during the Autumn term
Y4 attend the Bridgnorth Schools Carol Concert held at St Mary’s Church in December.
Y3 attend the perform at the Bridgnorth Christmas Lighting event at the end of November.