Physical Education at St John’s is a high quality holistic PE curriculum which aims to develop a range of fundamental movement and games fundamental skills in order to play and participate successfully in a range of games and topics. Children develop understanding of rules and game intent, and develop tactics to be successful.

Children develop social skills to play successfully in teams and in competitive situations. Children appreciate a variety of contexts in order to understand how skills are inter-related. Children develop an appreciation for the effects of physical activity for mental and physical wellbeing and develop good habits for the future.

Children can successfully swim unaided for 25m by the end of Year 6.

Our PE is built upon the Get Set 4 PE scheme in EYFS which lays the foundations for their developing physical skills. Years 1-6 follow the Champions scheme which progressively teaches children skills around invasion, net/wall, athletics, dance and fitness. We also use Primary Gymnastics as a specialist gymnastics programme to develop gymnastics skills, which support fundamental movement skills.

Children across Ks2 have access to swimming each year, with qualified swimming instructors for each group.  

School Sport

We have a comprehensive School Sport offer for all children at St John’s. Our partnership with the TRUST-ED East Shropshire Sports means we compete in over 30 competitions across each school year, in various sports – focussing on competition, or engagement and inspiring. Over the course of the year, ALL children will have the opportunity to represent the school in activities.

We also offer targeted clubs to increase our provision and support the aim of 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

Physical Activity

We recognise the importance physical activity has on physical and mental health and how physical activity improves brain function for learning. We have a number of activities throughout the school day to keep children active – from Active Maths lessons, to our weekly class fitness challenges to encourage brain booster breaks, and Happy Lunchtimes which encourages healthy and active play. Our aim is to see children thriving through being physically active.

Sports Premium Impact Report 23-24

We are registered with School Games website.