St John’s is a designated Fairtrade School and actively supports Fairtrade during a wide range of class lessons, activities and events. The staff and pupils are continually striving to develop new initiatives to make St Johns a sustainable school.

We recycle paper, batteries, glass, plastic and food waste. The food waste is disposed of in our composter, and will be used on the school gardens. We regularly hold a “switch-off fortnight” campaign and we have significantly reduced our energy consumption in the last 12 months. All light fittings are energy efficient. Each class has a copy of the schools “Eco-Code” in their classroom, and each class has an “Eco-Committee” member who is responsible for turning off lights, projectors, taps etc that are not in use.

  • Each class has their own raised bed in the Forest School Area in which to grow their own fruit and vegetables.
  • We achieved the Eco-School Green Flag Award
  • St John’s support Bridgnorth Council in their annual planting of flower beds throughout the town and making and erecting bird boxes

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