Welcome to Year 4

Miss Homer is our teacher, and she is helped by Mrs Palmer. Miss Sage pops by to visit us on a Friday. Miss Homer is an ECT and loves to make our learning fun.

PE and Swimming day: Monday


Our Patron Saint in Year Four is Saint Catherine of Siena. We celebrate her feast day on April 29th.

Welcome to Year 4!

The Way, The Truth and The Life is our most important subject and is at the core of our curriculum. We do over 2 hours of RE every week, a child led liturgy every week and four other sessions of collective worship with the whole school. Parents are welcome to join us for Mass and the dates will be found on the ‘diary dates’ page.


We do 2 hours of PE each week and this is sometimes outside; this means we are dependent on the weather. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you wear appropriate PE kit. Please ensure that you wear the correct PE uniform to school on PE days. This includes: a green T-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers for outdoor use. We also get an opportunity each year to have swimming lessons, we love walking over to the local secondary school for this.


In Maths, we are continuing to develop our understanding of numbers and our skills for calculating. We are learning to become problem solvers and critical thinkers. In Year 4, we work really hard to learn all of our times tables up to 12×12. We even get to do active Maths where we are out of our seats and learning in different ways.


Each term we prepare a few pieces of assessed writing, we get creative and add all of our learning to these from the term. We love to show off what we can do and share these with Miss Homer and our friends. Our assessed writing is a mixture of fiction and non-fiction such as stories, letters, leaflets and many more. We have regular grammar, spelling and handwriting lessons.


We take reading VERY seriously! We sit on the tables, make dens underneath the tables or sometimes sit with our feet up. We call this reading for enjoyment and we LOVE it. We add our reading to our app ‘boom reader’. We love to hear what you have read at home too.


Each week your child will receive Homework, this may be Maths, English or Science to further their learning. We also expect the children to read to an adult and practise their times tables.