At St John’s Catholic Primary School, we know that it is vital that our children attend school regularly and punctually to achieve best life outcomes. We want our children to become the best versions of themselves; academically, socially and morally as they grow into the next generation of our community. Good school attendance is the foundation to this.
Reporting Pupil Absence
Please ring the School Office before 8.45am to give reason for your child’s absence.
Telephone: 01746 762 061
Alternatively, you may email, although we prefer a phonecall [email protected]
Leave of Absence
All requests to take your child out of school should be made in advance on the Leave of Absence form, available from the School Office or by clicking here.
We are not permitted to authorise absence due to holidays
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, which came into force on 1st September 2013, made it clear that Headteachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless in ‘exceptional circumstances’. The governors of our school support this legislation.
Family Holidays
Whilst we understand that holidays can often be cheaper during term time, any child who is absent from school due to a family holiday will miss out on important learning, which could possibly lead to them falling behind with their schoolwork. It isn’t always easy for them to catch up, as the rest of the class will have moved on. We want children to be in school for as many of the 195 statutory school days as possible.
Below is a chart which details the percentage of school days missed.
We expect all our children to achieve at least a 96% attendance percentage each year. However, we know that there can sometimes be exceptional reasons why children cannot attend school, such as illness.
Unauthorised absence or your child being frequently late could result in fine or prosecution!
At St John’s Catholic Primary School, we will listen, understand, empathise and provide support when children are unable to attend school. However, we will not tolerate poor attendance and will always be proactive in helping our families to improve this.
Information regarding fixed penalties advice can be found here